Spyderwood Crypt

If you’ve constructed a mausoleum for your haunt or are just looking for something different for your cemetery you might want to give a look at the Spyderwood Crypt tutorial.   It’s a little bit more detailed of a build than the coffin that Spyderwood created, but it doesn’t seem significantly more difficult to build and shouldn’t prove to be much heavier than the coffin.     Items needed to create this include: 3 sheets of pink insulation foam 8 to 10 – 1 x 2″ lumber staples hotglue paint decorations hinges finishing...

Spyderwood Coffin

If you’re looking to build a coffin but don’t want an overly heavy prop then you might want to checkout Spyderwood’s styrofoam coffin tutorial.  The frame of this coffin is made out of 1 x 2 lumber, which, even when covered with styrofoam won’t be as heavy as your typical toe pincher.     You’re probably not going to want to get inside this coffin, but if you’re just planning on putting a skeleton or other prop inside, you might want to give this lightweight coffin a try.   Items needed to complete this include: 2 sheets of pink insulation foam 8 – 1 x 2″ lumber staples hotglue paint decorations hinges finishing...


I never got to see Jeff Baird’s Leering skeleton prop tutorial, but I have seen the video of his prop in action (it comes around 1:30 mark in the video below) and it looks great.     So when I found the tutorial that SpiderFreak of SpyderWood had created based on Jeff’s prop with a full surround of the motor mechanism I knew that it needed to be featured on HauntersList.  I love seeing certain prop builds get modified and improved upon in the process, and the fact that you can’t see the mechanics of this prop when viewing it from behind is certainly an upgrade.     I am purposely not including an items list on this tutorial because the tutorial does not really detail the lengths sufficiently enough for me to approximate...