How to Chop Someone in Half

Seeing a person cut in half can be a life altering event.  The kind of event that makes you want to try to recreate yourself, which is ok, provided you see the person cut in half at a haunt and not in some back alley in the wee hours of the night.  And that’s pretty much how I’ve felt ever since I was 10 years old and got to see this done at the March of Dimes Haunted House.  It was a terrifying and exhilarating thing for a kid to see, and while it may seem a bit campy by today’s standards, it’s still one of my fondest haunt memories.

I’ve seen several tutorials that tackle this prop, but I really like the video tutorial that HauntingHooligan has created.  The tutorial is fairly general, but will give you everything you need to get started creating  this effect.


Items needed to complete this include:

  • 16′ – 1 x 3″ lumber (approximate)
  • 2′ x 6′ sheet of 1/4″ plywood (approximate)
  • Wire
  • Styrofoam
  • Cloth to cover platform
  • Great stuff
  • Newspaper
  • Old pants
  • Old shirt