If you’re not familiar with the Grave Grabber tutorial that Kevin over at Haunt101 posted, you really owe it to yourself to check it out…right after you take a look at his One Armed Grave Grabber tutorial! This prop is a little easier to build than the full Grave Grabber but it’ll still provide you with an awesome effect in your cemetery. The mechanics are very similar between the two props, although the One Armed Grave Grabber utilizes an animated deer motor instead of a higher torque motor. There’s also an added element with the skull linkage in the One Armed prop. The animated deer motor actually reverses when it meets any resistance, thus the two “stop” screws that are drilled in the base. If you check out the video of this thing in action at Haunt101, you’ll see that this prop has just the right amount of movement to create an unforgettable prop. Items needed to complete this include: One foam skull One length of plastic tubing One tape and wire hand One length of 1/8”x1/2” aluminum flat bar One length of heavy wire One length of thin wire One length small foam block Burlap One Buck animated deer motor Two pieces of lumber 4” and 2 ½”...
PVC Skeletons
posted by Tony
Not all grave grabbers need to be motorized, and if you’re interested in building an inexpensive one that still looks good then checkout LastHouse’s tutorial over at HalloweenForum. It’s a pretty easy project that allows for plenty of artistic freedom, but you will need a little bit of skill to cut the PVC for the rib cage, and of course you’ll need a blowtorch to get the PVC hot enough to bend. Once the ribcage is done, though, you’re all set to pose and bring your skeleton to life. The nice thing about this prop is that while it may look like a complete disaster while you’re framing it, once you’ve coated it with the Great Stuff and painted it up, it’ll take on a life of its own. And don’t forget to reference LastHouse’s tutorial on skeletal hands to add to your skeleton. Items needed to complete this include: Two 3/4 ” pieces of PVC 3 PVC T’s Some scrap 2 x 4 Hot glue ( LOTS) Liquid Nails Great Stuff Some Scrap foam Duct tape Drylock paint Model Magic clay...
Grave Grabber Tutorial...
posted by Tony
If you’ve ever wanted to build your very own grave grabber but didn’t think you had the skill to get it done right, take a look at this tutorial posted by Kevin Kennedy on the Haunt101 website. This prop is simple to create and looks awesome in any graveyard environment. Unfortunately, some of the links in the tutorial are dead, but they’re relatively insignificant to the tutorial and the mechanism should be enough to inspire your creativity. Items needed to build this include: 9’ of 1” x 1/8” aluminium flat stock 36” wooden dowl 8 – 8/32” x 5/8” machine screws 24 #8 SAE washers (you could use nylon washers) 8 – 8/32” nuts with nylon threads a low speed high torque motor 1 spooky head 1 pair of spooky hands along w/ coat hanger and spray foam Some of the assorted lumber every haunter has lying in the back of their...