Some people are capable of producing great things using very few resources. Such is the case with Robert Anderson and his Cemetery Entrance Columns tutorial. These remarkable columns consist of nothing more than a few pieces of scrap wood and boxes covered with newspaper. The paper mache mortar seems like an incredibly tedious detail but it really helps make this prop that much more authentic, I mean, this looks like actual masonry here. Robert admits to being cheap, and that’s a really great thing here because he’s managed to create an incredibly detailed prop without having to break the bank. Items needed to create this include: 60′ – 1 x 2 16′ – 2 x 4 Foam insulation, MDF, particle board, or cardboard Assorted boxes or Styrofoam Insulation Assorted latex & acrylic paint...
Skeletal Columns
posted by Tony
If you’re looking to make a creepy entrance to your haunt you may want to take a look at the Skeletal Sonotube Columns tutorial that Effie posted at HalloweenForum. These columns are really simple to make and would easily make an eerie entrance to a cemetery, dungeon, or mausoleum. All of the pieces of this puzzle are easily obtained and the best part is that Effie actually planned to use the empty sonotubes for storage at the end of the season! Items needed to create this include: Sonotube 10″ x 4′ (Sonotube comes in many diameters and heights, 4′ being the most easily obtainable at Home Depot, but you can get 6′, 8′ and 10′ heights as well) Century Novelty Plastic Skeleton Heavy pressboard Foam pipe insulation Spray...