Clay Skeletal Hands

There’s a great tutorial on how to craft some skeletal hands out of Crayola Model Magic and coat hangers at a site called Mousecave.  I’m not a good sculptor so I would normally shy away from something like this, but it sure seems super simple, and what could be easier than skeleton arms, right?




Items needed to complete this include:

  • Coat hangers – 3 to 5, depending on the length of the forearm
  • Craft wire – any solid single strand wire will do
  • Marker pen
  • Lineman’s pliers – any pliers will do, so long as you can cut and bend the wire
  • Two-part epoxy – because it’s strong and sets fast
  • Acrylic craft paint – black and white
  • Soft paint brush and small mixing dish
  • Paper towels
  • Scissors
  • Modeling tools – nothing fancy, just something to etch some jagged lines
  • Crayola Model Magic – white